martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

Kirchner´s Death: Argentinean Leader Pass Away

What happens when a big leader pass away? A huge hole is opened, the lack of power makes people begin to fight against each other to take what was left.
The judgment of journalism gets to an end, and the history starts to appoint the truths that will be settled on people´s minds. What are the differences between these points of view? Reporters talk about their own interests or their ´owner´s interests´; sometimes they say what people just want to hear. On the other hand, history tells the story of winners; history is fixed to everybody´s hearts and faiths as the only truth.
What should history be? It should be the story of facts. We deeply hope that the recent history of Mr. Kirchner death will do this without dogmatisms of any kind. Kirchner should be not only respected but also criticized for everybody´s wellbeing.
And we couldn’t avoid the best part of SOS, the sarcasm. What are the reasons that made Don Nestor pass away?
Apart from negotiations and pressures from worker´s unions; the countryside feudalism and landowners; the struggles against the Catholic Church because of same sex marriage and his well known battle with Grupo Clarín; there were some more causes for his last breath to be taken away:
-          He was a Racing Club of Avellaneda´s fan. This may be a trigger for several heart diseases.
-          He was married to Cristina. Try to imagine his life between the contradiction of Louis Vuitton and popular masses emerging amidst oligarchs.
-          He was Hugo Chavez´s friend. Would you even think about having a conversation with Hugo?! It would never end, like with Fidel! And you owe him too much to hang up so easily!
-          He had Cobos as his wife´s vice-president/opponent. Do we need to explain anything else? Oh yeah! He wanted to be candidate for Argentina´s leadership, once again… by the way.


2 comentarios:

  1. Me olvidé de felicitarte (por este medio). Muy buena práctica ;)



  2. Gracias preciosa!! Te adoro! Besos!
